Bible-in-Life Middle School Teacher's Guide (1060). Save 10%.

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The Middle School Teacher's Guide is an excellent tool to help teachers engage their students in stimulating lessons designed for the wide variety of students you'll teach. Middle school probably represents the most diverse age group you'll find in terms of personality and cognitive ability. We make class preparation easy for you by providing a Teacher Devotional to prepare your heart and mind for the study. A short Understanding The Bible article helps you gain perspective on the scripture- while a section on Classroom Tips makes your class time run more smoothly. There's also a pre-session activity for students who arrive early to class. Each four-step lesson plan starts with a Lesson Focus- which is applied in each step. Then- you have an easy-to-follow guide that will take you step-by-step through the lesson. In Step 1 students are motivated to learn by doing an activity that connects their needs or feelings with the Lesson Focus. Activities might include a skit- a game- a video clip- a poster- an opening story- or a brainstorming activity. Step 2 presents your students with new information by studying scriptures and asking both basic rote memory questions as well as thought-provoking abstract questions based upon what they have read. Bible studies might be presented as a lecture- a drama- a video- a Scripture reading- or an in-depth Bible study. The Teacher's Guide also helps you to check students' understanding of the lesson before you proceed to Step 3. In Step 3 students practice what they have learned by choosing an activity that reinforces the lesson. Three activities are suggested so that children can select the one that best corresponds to their particular learning style. Step 4 encourages students to use what they have learned by applying it to their lives using a two-step process. First- students plan how they will use the new information and second- they implement their plans when they leave the classroom. The teacher is reminded at the beginning of each lesson to follow-up with students' progress during the previous week.